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image i-d-e-e n. 1: all of our exercises are going interactive! image
  • Dear colleagues,

    The wait is over: we are really pleased to announce that, as of July, all of the exercises from our most important titles will be available in an interactive form with automatic exercise correction (the same feature you currently enjoy on our interactive CD-ROMs)!

    Teachers and schools will save a huge amount of valuable time which can instead be dedicated to the things that matter most: logical and creative exercises that get your students involved and working together.

    Students will be able to do these interactive exercises from practically any device (PC, Mac, tablets etc.) and all that's required is the PIN code printed on the inside cover of the following titles:

    Nuovo Progetto italiano 1, 2 and 3 - Workbook (all versions)
    Arrivederci! 1, 2 and 3
    Progetto italiano Junior 1, 2 and 3
    (all versions)
    L’italiano all’università 1 and 2
    Via della grammatica
    Preparazione al Celi 3
    Nuovo Progetto italiano Video
    Progetto italiano Junior Video

    That's not all. Teachers and schools can also receive automatic reports (if and when they want them) which analyse student progress (each student's most common errors, for instance)! All you have to do is follow a few easy instructions. The information in the reports will also help you to personalise teaching activities in line with the difficulties or needs of your students.

    We think this is a revolutionary new way of teaching Italian: students will become more independent, they will be able to manage their time more effectively and will have the option of working from anywhere. Teachers will also be able to express themselves more fully than ever before.

    Edilingua’s platform, together with lots of other useful tools, is coming soon. Students, teachers and schools take note! Below you can watch a first brief presentation.

    We'll be in touch soon with more info and ideas...or rather...  

    Edizioni Edilingua
    Teaching innovation. Today.

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