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  • Dear friends,

    We are pleased to inform you that the new edition of Dieci racconti and Undici racconti, short stories inspired by Nuovo Progetto italiano 1 and 2, will soon be available.

    The great success of the previous edition has led us to improve the graphics of the two volumes, placing them within the Primiracconti series. In fact, the main characteristics of the new edition are:

    • same format (15x21 cm) as the booklets of the Primiracconti series
    • full colour
    • new and beautiful illustrations (by Massimo Valenti)
    • more modern graphical approach

    The contents (stories and activities) of the two volumes remain unchanged. Dieci racconti and Undici racconti, covering respectively the levels A1-A2 and B1-B2, are not accompanied by an audio CD, unlike all the other volumes in the Primiracconti series.

    To view some pages of the new edition please click here.

    Edizioni Edilingua
    15 years of teaching innovation
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