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  • Dear teachers,

    Edizioni Edilingua is pleased to invite you to the workshop for teachers of Italian as a foreign language organized in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago and the Education Office of the Italian Consulate in Chicago. The workshop will be held on Thursday, April 5th 2018, from 14.45 to 18.00 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago (500 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1450, Chicago).

    "La motivazione in pratica:
    proposte per la classe di italiano"

    • Materiali, tecniche e idee per mantenere alta la motivazione di studenti adulti e adolescenti
    • Via del Corso: la via dell'italiano
    • La piattaforma i-d-e-e e i nuovi giochi digitali
    Speaker: Viviana Altieri, education consultant of Edizioni Edilingua in the US.

    Click here to download the program of the event.

    Participants will be asked to actively work on educational materials and at the end of the workshop they will receive a complimentary copy of an Edilingua course book, a certificate of attendance and other material.

    Admission is free. To register please write to [email protected] and to [email protected] not later than the 3rd of April.

    We hope to see in Chicago!

    Edizioni Edilingua
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