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  • Dear teachers,

    We are pleased to inform you we have released Piccolo e forte! B, the second of two preparatory volumes to our innovative course for children Forte!.

    Piccolo e forte! B is ideal for children aged 5-7 who are now starting their written approach to the language.

    Piccolo e forte!
    follows the same structure of the three Forte! volumes. There are 6 units + the introductory one, 2 intervals, the section L’angolo del taglia e incolla and 2 brand new sections: Il tesoro delle parole and Gioca con le Flashcards. The volume also includes an audio CD with all the audio tracks, nursery rhymes and songs.

    You will also meet the same characters, a bit younger though: Paula, Edmond and Simone. Their adventures will be even more funny thanks to the magic of some new fantastic characters.

    Click here to browse and/or print the index, the introduction and three units of Piccolo e forte! B.

    Best regards,
    Edizioni Edilingua

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